Tuesday, March 30, 2010

School Vouchers Good for Illinois - SEIU and Ralphie Martire Are Against It!

Ralph Martire and Rev. Senator James Meeks in happier times - before Senator Meeks got wise to the opposition to School Choice.

The same idiots who pushed Illinois over the fiscal cliff - SEIU's Tax Ingesting Boondoggles and Pie Chart Vampire Ralph Martire are dead set against Senator James Meeks' victory in the Illinois Senate for Illinois Families and Tax Payers - School Vouchers

Ralph Martire has Pie Charted and Parsed every bone-headed tax-increase since Dawn Clark Netsch stamped Ralph's ticket.

Ralph and his Center for Tax and Budget Accountability is clearing house for cover to dimwitted and gutless politicians. Too strong, Hickey?

Hey, Sally, wait until you see Illinois go all Arnold Schwarzenegger's California!

School Choice - Vouchers - is the only real hope for Chicago's public schools and many other districts as well. Where there are strong Catholic Schools Like Fenwick, there is a solid public school. Leo High School helps Simeon stay competitive - though we attract Simeon students. Now, Simeon Moms and Dads might be able to afford Leo, or Fenwick, Governor Quinn.

If Ralph Martire is against anything it must be a great idea and SEIU's graphic novel (comic book) Progress Illinois is already huffing and puffing against Vouchers.

The Center on Tax and Budget Accountability's executive director Ralph Martire echoed those sentiments, adding that there is no guarantee that a private school must accept disadvantaged students, either.

Meeks bill now moves over to the House, which will take up the measure after the spring recess. Meanwhile, the Chicago Teachers Union is pushing back against the bill. And Gov. Pat Quinn has indicated that he's not thrilled about any idea of draining any more resources from already-struggling public schools.

"The concept of public education is that every child, regardless of where they grow up, can get a quality education," Martire tells us. "If you don't have the resources to hire more and better teachers, to put technology in the classrooms, to have enrichment and afterschool programs to extend the school day ... how is competition [with the private market] going to make schools any better?"

Ralph, you are a caution!

Competition makes Principals go Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, time to unload the dead weight!

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, new blood might help!

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, teachers are not showing up on Mondays and Fridays, but they are at St. Werque-Ethiks!

Baby steps, Ralph! Come on Big Boy!!!! You CAN do it Ralph! One Step! That a boy, Ralph! You'll get the hang of it!

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